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Mental & Emotional Preparation

(If you are new to this site, please read my initial post explaining my Ride4April.)
As I have been getting ready for the memorial service for April beginning tomorrow, and for my bike ride afterwards, I’ve been reading through this great book that April wrote called, Unfold Your Brain.”
There are a lot of books about exploring creativity and releasing one’s artistic potential. This book provides a lot of specific tips and tricks. But the real joy in this book is the small peaks it gives into how April thought, how she worked, what inspired her and how she and her husband Jeff complemented each other in their creative endeavors.
If you don’t know April, other selling points about the book include the very small bite-sized chapters. Each delivers one bit of advice or example, usually supplemented with an activity, and then she moves on. She also has a completely original take on some aspects of creativity.
One chapter I particularly loved was called “The Shopping Urge, the Art Antidote” where she likens our desire to buy things with something she calls “blackberry greed.” She also throws in a Star Trek mention for the true nerds in the crowd.
Near the end, she digs into the economics of being an artist. She is blunt and honest and it’s great: encouraging aspiring artists without providing a sense of the challenges in store has always seemed unconscionable.
I’m hoping 300 miles on my bike will unfold my brains in new and interesting ways, and I’m in debt to April for giving me new tools for the journey.
Give her book a read — you won’t regret it!
And please support my Ride4April. Thanks!

Published inA Ride for April

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