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Prep ride #2

Flat terrain and a flat tire looping around Emerald Isle

(If you’re new here, please see this post to learn what The Ride for April is all about or, if you already now, please click the button below and donate in support, please!)

My second preparatory ride for the 300 miles of the Ride For April was my most ambitious: almost 110 miles over 2 days. The big caveat: riding along the eastern coast of North Carolina is about the flattest terrain you can find.

Almost eight miles of the ride took almost two hours, navigating around 2-foot deep potholes.

That said, the ride wasn’t without its challenges. As pictured above, a big unpaved chunk of road was a big mess. I passed a pickup truck trying to navigate the same road; I was able to go at least a little faster than it could, dodging the worst bits of road.

Then on the second day, I got a flat tire just outside the lovely little town of Beaufort. Nice town but a flat still sucks, particularly when it’s the first time you’ve had to patch one on a relatively new bike. The remaining 25 miles of riding was a little anxious as I kept checking to see if my patch was holding.

But among the high points of the ride were two journeys on the Minnesott Beach ferry. On the first day, I was virtually by myself (top picture). On the way back, I shared the ride with an enormous construction vehicle. Just one of its tire was almost twice the size of my bike.

Also, on the first day, I started at a lovely coffee shop with a dragon in the adjacent pond and ended the day at the beach. Pretty sweet bookends to a long day!

Day one in red!

On the second day, I had to ride up and over some pretty steep bridges but the view from the top of them was gorgeous (sorry — couldn’t stop and snap a pic!) And even as I was feeling anxious post-flat on the second day, I rode by a house that reminded me that, all and all, my life is pretty fantastic!

Please tell your friends and family about The Ride for April and lend your support. Thanks!

Published inA Ride for AprilBiking

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